Being a Fuzileiro isn’t just a job but a way of life. The expeditionary aptitude, the Spirit du Corps, the sense of duty and the will of an elite combatant are some of the qualities that define a Fuzileiro.


The Comodoro

Paulo Jorge da Silva Ribeiro

The Comodoro (OF-6) Paulo Jorge da Silva Ribeiro was born in Lisbon on July 14th of 1962, and started attending Naval School on September 7th of 1981 and was promoted to Midshipman (OF-1) on October 1st of 1987.

At sea, exercised the functions of service chief and tactical actions officer in the refueler S. Gabriel and the frigate Comandante Roberto Ivens. Also performed the functions of Executive Officer in the corvette naval vessel António Enes and the frigate Comandante João Belo.

Was the commander of the patrol vessels Cuanza and Cacine and the frigate Comandante Sacadura Cabral.

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