The National Standard is a portable variant of the National Flag used by military units during campaigns, parades and ceremonies.


3 first class War Cross Medals

The war cross medal is destined to award acts or feats of bravery, practiced by citizens, military or not, national or foreigner. The First Class War Cross Medal can be awarded to land, sea or air units who collectively practice acts of exceptional valor.

Gold Medal of Distinct Services

The gold medal of distinct services is awarded to the soldier who in the performance of his duties in a very important military commission, with duties of command, direction or staff performed very distinct and relevant services to the Armed Forces, thus qualifying for an individual commendation published in the Diário da República (Republic`s Diary) or order of the specific branch. The gold medal of distinct services can also be awarded to military units who have performed services classified as distinct in the terms of the article 19º of the Regulamento de Medalha Militar (Militar Medals Regulation).

2 Badges of the order of D. Henrique

The order of D. Henrique is destined to honor whoever performed services relevant to Portugal, in the country or out of it as well as services in the interest of the expansion of the Portuguese Culture or acknowledgment of Portugal, its history and values. It was awarded to the Fuzileiros Corp the title of Honorary Member of the Order of D. Henrique on June of 2000.

Order of Freedom

The order of freedom is destined to distinguish relevant services performed in behalf of the defense of the values of civilization and in favor of the dignification of the Human person and the cause of freedom.

Tamandaré Merit Medal

The Tamandaré Merit Medal from Brasil was created on August 20th of 1957, destined to award authorities, institutions, and civilian and military personnel, Brazilian or foreigner who performed relevant services in the propagation and strengthening of Brazilian Navy Traditions, by honoring its feats, and enhancing its historic accomplishments. The Brazilian Navy Chief of Staff, awarded the Tamandaré Merit Medal to the Fuzileiros Corp on November 18th of 2007.

Military Order of the Tower and Sword, Value, Loyalty and Merit

The Military Order of the Tower and Sword, Value, Loyalty and Merit is the most important Portuguese Honorary Order, destined to award exceptionally distinct merits performed in the function of high commands of troops during campaign. The same order awards exceptional feats of military or civilian heroism and acts or services of exceptional abnegation and sacrifice in the name of the Country and Humankind. The title of Honorary Member of the Ligue of Combatants was given to the Fuzileiros Corp who was awarded with the Military Order of the Tower and Sword, Value, Loyalty and Merit on May 2008.

